Source code for elegantrl.agents.AgentDQN

import torch
from typing import Tuple
from copy import deepcopy
from torch import Tensor

from elegantrl.agents.AgentBase import AgentBase
from import QNet, QNetDuel
from import QNetTwin, QNetTwinDuel
from elegantrl.train.config import Config
from elegantrl.train.replay_buffer import ReplayBuffer

[docs]class AgentDQN(AgentBase): """ Deep Q-Network algorithm. “Human-Level Control Through Deep Reinforcement Learning”. Mnih V. et al.. 2015. net_dims: the middle layer dimension of MLP (MultiLayer Perceptron) state_dim: the dimension of state (the number of state vector) action_dim: the dimension of action (or the number of discrete action) gpu_id: the gpu_id of the training device. Use CPU when cuda is not available. args: the arguments for agent training. `args = Config()` """ def __init__(self, net_dims: [int], state_dim: int, action_dim: int, gpu_id: int = 0, args: Config = Config()): self.act_class = getattr(self, "act_class", QNet) self.cri_class = None # means `self.cri = self.act` super().__init__(net_dims=net_dims, state_dim=state_dim, action_dim=action_dim, gpu_id=gpu_id, args=args) self.act_target = self.cri_target = deepcopy(self.act) self.act.explore_rate = getattr(args, "explore_rate", 0.25) # Using ϵ-greedy to select uniformly random actions for exploration with `explore_rate` probability.
[docs] def explore_one_env(self, env, horizon_len: int, if_random: bool = False) -> Tuple[Tensor, ...]: """ Collect trajectories through the actor-environment interaction for a **single** environment instance. env: RL training environment. env.reset() env.step(). It should be a vector env. horizon_len: collect horizon_len step while exploring to update networks if_random: uses random action for warn-up exploration return: `(states, actions, rewards, undones)` for off-policy num_envs == 1 states.shape == (horizon_len, num_envs, state_dim) actions.shape == (horizon_len, num_envs, action_dim) rewards.shape == (horizon_len, num_envs) undones.shape == (horizon_len, num_envs) """ states = torch.zeros((horizon_len, self.num_envs, self.state_dim), dtype=torch.float32).to(self.device) actions = torch.zeros((horizon_len, self.num_envs, 1), dtype=torch.int32).to(self.device) # different rewards = torch.zeros((horizon_len, self.num_envs), dtype=torch.float32).to(self.device) dones = torch.zeros((horizon_len, self.num_envs), dtype=torch.bool).to(self.device) state = self.last_state # state.shape == (1, state_dim) for a single env. get_action = self.act.get_action for t in range(horizon_len): action = torch.randint(self.action_dim, size=(1, 1)) if if_random else get_action(state) # different states[t] = state ary_action = action[0, 0].detach().cpu().numpy() ary_state, reward, done, _ = env.step(ary_action) # next_state ary_state = env.reset() if done else ary_state # ary_state.shape == (state_dim, ) state = torch.as_tensor(ary_state, dtype=torch.float32, device=self.device).unsqueeze(0) actions[t] = action rewards[t] = reward dones[t] = done self.last_state = state # state.shape == (1, state_dim) for a single env. rewards *= self.reward_scale undones = 1.0 - dones.type(torch.float32) return states, actions, rewards, undones
[docs] def explore_vec_env(self, env, horizon_len: int, if_random: bool = False) -> Tuple[Tensor, ...]: """ Collect trajectories through the actor-environment interaction for a **vectorized** environment instance. env: RL training environment. env.reset() env.step(). It should be a vector env. horizon_len: collect horizon_len step while exploring to update networks if_random: uses random action for warn-up exploration return: `(states, actions, rewards, undones)` for off-policy states.shape == (horizon_len, num_envs, state_dim) actions.shape == (horizon_len, num_envs, action_dim) rewards.shape == (horizon_len, num_envs) undones.shape == (horizon_len, num_envs) """ states = torch.zeros((horizon_len, self.num_envs, self.state_dim), dtype=torch.float32).to(self.device) actions = torch.zeros((horizon_len, self.num_envs, 1), dtype=torch.int32).to(self.device) # different rewards = torch.zeros((horizon_len, self.num_envs), dtype=torch.float32).to(self.device) dones = torch.zeros((horizon_len, self.num_envs), dtype=torch.bool).to(self.device) state = self.last_state # last_state.shape = (num_envs, state_dim) for a vectorized env. get_action = self.act.get_action for t in range(horizon_len): action = torch.randint(self.action_dim, size=(self.num_envs, 1)) if if_random \ else get_action(state).detach() # different states[t] = state state, reward, done, _ = env.step(action) # next_state actions[t] = action rewards[t] = reward dones[t] = done self.last_state = state rewards *= self.reward_scale undones = 1.0 - dones.type(torch.float32) return states, actions, rewards, undones
def update_net(self, buffer: ReplayBuffer) -> Tuple[float, ...]: with torch.no_grad(): states, actions, rewards, undones = buffer.add_item self.update_avg_std_for_normalization( states=states.reshape((-1, self.state_dim)), returns=self.get_cumulative_rewards(rewards=rewards, undones=undones).reshape((-1,)) ) '''update network''' obj_critics = 0.0 obj_actors = 0.0 update_times = int(buffer.add_size * self.repeat_times) assert update_times >= 1 for _ in range(update_times): obj_critic, q_value = self.get_obj_critic(buffer, self.batch_size) obj_critics += obj_critic.item() obj_actors += q_value.mean().item() self.optimizer_update(self.cri_optimizer, obj_critic) self.soft_update(self.cri_target, self.cri, self.soft_update_tau) return obj_critics / update_times, obj_actors / update_times
[docs] def get_obj_critic_raw(self, buffer: ReplayBuffer, batch_size: int) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: """ Calculate the loss of the network and predict Q values with **uniform sampling**. :param buffer: the ReplayBuffer instance that stores the trajectories. :param batch_size: the size of batch data for Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD). :return: the loss of the network and Q values. """ with torch.no_grad(): states, actions, rewards, undones, next_ss = buffer.sample(batch_size) # next_ss: next states next_qs = self.cri_target(next_ss).max(dim=1, keepdim=True)[0].squeeze(1) # next q_values q_labels = rewards + undones * self.gamma * next_qs q_values = self.cri(states).gather(1, actions.long()).squeeze(1) obj_critic = self.criterion(q_values, q_labels) return obj_critic, q_values
[docs] def get_obj_critic_per(self, buffer: ReplayBuffer, batch_size: int) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: """ Calculate the loss of the network and predict Q values with **Prioritized Experience Replay (PER)**. :param buffer: the ReplayBuffer instance that stores the trajectories. :param batch_size: the size of batch data for Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD). :return: the loss of the network and Q values. """ with torch.no_grad(): states, actions, rewards, undones, next_ss, is_weights, is_indices = buffer.sample_for_per(batch_size) # is_weights, is_indices: important sampling `weights, indices` by Prioritized Experience Replay (PER) next_qs = self.cri_target(next_ss).max(dim=1, keepdim=True)[0].squeeze(1) # q values in next step q_labels = rewards + undones * self.gamma * next_qs q_values = self.cri(states).gather(1, actions.long()).squeeze(1) td_errors = self.criterion(q_values, q_labels) # or td_error = (q_value - q_label).abs() obj_critic = (td_errors * is_weights).mean() buffer.td_error_update_for_per(is_indices.detach(), td_errors.detach()) return obj_critic, q_values
def get_cumulative_rewards(self, rewards: Tensor, undones: Tensor) -> Tensor: returns = torch.empty_like(rewards) masks = undones * self.gamma horizon_len = rewards.shape[0] last_state = self.last_state next_value = self.act_target(last_state).argmax(dim=1).detach() # actor is Q Network in DQN style for t in range(horizon_len - 1, -1, -1): returns[t] = next_value = rewards[t] + masks[t] * next_value return returns
class AgentDoubleDQN(AgentDQN): """ Double Deep Q-Network algorithm. “Deep Reinforcement Learning with Double Q-learning”. H. V. Hasselt et al.. 2015. """ def __init__(self, net_dims: [int], state_dim: int, action_dim: int, gpu_id: int = 0, args: Config = Config()): self.act_class = getattr(self, "act_class", QNetTwin) self.cri_class = getattr(self, "cri_class", None) # means `self.cri = self.act` super().__init__(net_dims=net_dims, state_dim=state_dim, action_dim=action_dim, gpu_id=gpu_id, args=args) def get_obj_critic_raw(self, buffer: ReplayBuffer, batch_size: int) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: """ Calculate the loss of the network and predict Q values with **uniform sampling**. :param buffer: the ReplayBuffer instance that stores the trajectories. :param batch_size: the size of batch data for Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD). :return: the loss of the network and Q values. """ with torch.no_grad(): states, actions, rewards, undones, next_ss = buffer.sample(batch_size) next_qs = torch.min(*self.cri_target.get_q1_q2(next_ss)).max(dim=1, keepdim=True)[0].squeeze(1) q_labels = rewards + undones * self.gamma * next_qs q1, q2 = [qs.gather(1, actions.long()).squeeze(1) for qs in self.act.get_q1_q2(states)] obj_critic = self.criterion(q1, q_labels) + self.criterion(q2, q_labels) return obj_critic, q1 def get_obj_critic_per(self, buffer: ReplayBuffer, batch_size: int) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: """ Calculate the loss of the network and predict Q values with **Prioritized Experience Replay (PER)**. :param buffer: the ReplayBuffer instance that stores the trajectories. :param batch_size: the size of batch data for Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD). :return: the loss of the network and Q values. """ with torch.no_grad(): states, actions, rewards, undones, next_ss, is_weights, is_indices = buffer.sample_for_per(batch_size) next_qs = torch.min(*self.cri_target.get_q1_q2(next_ss)).max(dim=1, keepdim=True)[0].squeeze(1) q_labels = rewards + undones * self.gamma * next_qs q1, q2 = [qs.gather(1, actions.long()).squeeze(1) for qs in self.act.get_q1_q2(states)] td_errors = self.criterion(q1, q_labels) + self.criterion(q2, q_labels) obj_critic = (td_errors * is_weights).mean() buffer.td_error_update_for_per(is_indices.detach(), td_errors.detach()) return obj_critic, q1 '''add dueling q network''' class AgentDuelingDQN(AgentDQN): def __init__(self, net_dims: [int], state_dim: int, action_dim: int, gpu_id: int = 0, args: Config = Config()): self.act_class = getattr(self, "act_class", QNetDuel) self.cri_class = getattr(self, "cri_class", None) # means `self.cri = self.act` super().__init__(net_dims=net_dims, state_dim=state_dim, action_dim=action_dim, gpu_id=gpu_id, args=args) class AgentD3QN(AgentDoubleDQN): # Dueling Double Deep Q Network. (D3QN) def __init__(self, net_dims: [int], state_dim: int, action_dim: int, gpu_id: int = 0, args: Config = Config()): self.act_class = getattr(self, "act_class", QNetTwinDuel) self.cri_class = getattr(self, "cri_class", None) # means `self.cri = self.act` super().__init__(net_dims=net_dims, state_dim=state_dim, action_dim=action_dim, gpu_id=gpu_id, args=args)