Source code for elegantrl.agents.AgentMADDPG

import torch

from elegantrl.agents.AgentBase import AgentBase
from import Actor, Critic

[docs]class AgentMADDPG(AgentBase): """ Bases: ``AgentBase`` Multi-Agent DDPG algorithm. “Multi-Agent Actor-Critic for Mixed Cooperative-Competitive”. R Lowe. et al.. 2017. :param net_dim[int]: the dimension of networks (the width of neural networks) :param state_dim[int]: the dimension of state (the number of state vector) :param action_dim[int]: the dimension of action (the number of discrete action) :param learning_rate[float]: learning rate of optimizer :param gamma[float]: learning rate of optimizer :param n_agents[int]: number of agents :param if_per_or_gae[bool]: PER (off-policy) or GAE (on-policy) for sparse reward :param env_num[int]: the env number of VectorEnv. env_num == 1 means don't use VectorEnv :param agent_id[int]: if the visible_gpu is '1,9,3,4', agent_id=1 means (1,9,4,3)[agent_id] == 9 """ def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.ClassAct = Actor self.ClassCri = Critic self.if_use_cri_target = True self.if_use_act_target = True def init( self, net_dim, state_dim, action_dim, learning_rate=1e-4, gamma=0.95, n_agents=1, if_use_per=False, env_num=1, agent_id=0, ): self.agents = [AgentDDPG() for i in range(n_agents)] self.explore_env = self.explore_one_env self.if_off_policy = True self.n_agents = n_agents for i in range(self.n_agents): self.agents[i].init( net_dim, state_dim, action_dim, learning_rate=1e-4, n_agents=self.n_agents, if_use_per=False, env_num=1, agent_id=0, ) self.n_states = state_dim self.n_actions = action_dim self.batch_size = net_dim self.gamma = gamma self.update_tau = 0 self.device = torch.device( f"cuda:{agent_id}" if (torch.cuda.is_available() and (agent_id >= 0)) else "cpu" )
[docs] def update_agent(self, rewards, dones, actions, observations, next_obs, index): """ Update the single agent neural networks, called by update_net. :param rewards: reward list of the sampled buffer :param dones: done list of the sampled buffer :param actions: action list of the sampled buffer :param observations: observation list of the sampled buffer :param next_obs: next_observation list of the sample buffer :param index: ID of the agent """ curr_agent = self.agents[index] curr_agent.cri_optim.zero_grad() all_target_actions = [] for i in range(self.n_agents): if i == index: all_target_actions.append(curr_agent.act_target(next_obs[:, index])) if i != index: action = self.agents[i].act_target(next_obs[:, i]) all_target_actions.append(action) action_target_all = (, dim=1) .to(self.device) .reshape(actions.shape[0], actions.shape[1] * actions.shape[2]) ) target_value = rewards[:, index] + self.gamma * curr_agent.cri_target( next_obs.reshape(next_obs.shape[0], next_obs.shape[1] * next_obs.shape[2]), action_target_all, ).detach().squeeze(dim=1) actual_value = curr_agent.cri( observations.reshape( next_obs.shape[0], next_obs.shape[1] * next_obs.shape[2] ), actions.reshape(actions.shape[0], actions.shape[1] * actions.shape[2]), ).squeeze(dim=1) vf_loss = curr_agent.loss_td(actual_value, target_value.detach()) curr_agent.act_optim.zero_grad() curr_pol_out = curr_agent.act(observations[:, index]) curr_pol_vf_in = curr_pol_out all_pol_acs = [] for i in range(self.n_agents): if i == index: all_pol_acs.append(curr_pol_vf_in) else: all_pol_acs.append(actions[:, i]) pol_loss = -torch.mean( curr_agent.cri( observations.reshape( observations.shape[0], observations.shape[1] * observations.shape[2] ),, dim=1) .to(self.device) .reshape(actions.shape[0], actions.shape[1] * actions.shape[2]), ) ) curr_agent.act_optim.zero_grad() pol_loss.backward() curr_agent.act_optim.step() curr_agent.cri_optim.zero_grad() vf_loss.backward() curr_agent.cri_optim.step()
[docs] def update_net(self, buffer, batch_size, repeat_times, soft_update_tau): """ Update the neural networks by sampling batch data from ``ReplayBuffer``. :param buffer: the ReplayBuffer instance that stores the trajectories. :param batch_size: the size of batch data for Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD). :param repeat_times: the re-using times of each trajectory. :param soft_update_tau: the soft update parameter. """ buffer.update_now_len() self.batch_size = batch_size self.update_tau = soft_update_tau rewards, dones, actions, observations, next_obs = buffer.sample_batch( self.batch_size ) for index in range(self.n_agents): self.update_agent(rewards, dones, actions, observations, next_obs, index) for agent in self.agents: self.soft_update(agent.cri_target, agent.cri, self.update_tau) self.soft_update(agent.act_target, agent.act, self.update_tau) return
[docs] def explore_one_env(self, env, target_step) -> list: """ Exploring the environment for target_step. param env: the Environment instance to be explored. param target_step: target steps to explore. """ traj_temp = [] k = 0 for _ in range(target_step): k += 1 actions = [] for i in range(self.n_agents): action = self.agents[i].select_actions(self.states[i]) actions.append(action) # print(actions) next_s, reward, done, _ = env.step(actions) traj_temp.append((self.states, reward, done, actions)) global_done = all(done[i] is True for i in range(self.n_agents)) if global_done or k > 100: state = env.reset() k = 0 else: state = next_s self.states = state return traj_temp
[docs] def select_actions(self, states): """ Select continuous actions for exploration :param state: states.shape==(n_agents,batch_size, state_dim, ) :return: actions.shape==(n_agents,batch_size, action_dim, ), -1 < action < +1 """ actions = [] for i in range(self.n_agents): action = self.agents[i].select_actions(states[i]) actions.append(action) return actions
[docs] def save_or_load_agent(self, cwd, if_save): """ save or load training files for Agent :param cwd: Current Working Directory. ElegantRL save training files in CWD. :param if_save: True: save files. False: load files. """ for i in range(self.n_agents): self.agents[i].save_or_load_agent(cwd + "/" + str(i), if_save)